New semester
The new semester is going to start! Have you gotten everything ready for the coming semester during last few super busy weeks? And how do you like our blog post about Create Interactive Videos with H5P from last month?
If you have any questions or you are interested in any particular tools, just send us an email or reply to the posts. We will be very happy to help you to investigate that if possible.
This month we would like to introduce Socrative. Teachers can initiate formative assessments through quizzes, quick question polls, and space races with Socrative. You all know that Monash will implement Poll Everywhere and MARS this semester. Socrative is also an in-class polling tool for the similar purpose. It has its special charms for this application.What is good?
What is so good about it? Let's count:
- Free account to create quizzes for up to 50 students
- Real-time results display
- Single sign on with Google emails
- The contents are mobile friendly.
- Student responses can be exported into Excel.
- It is very easy to create, edit, reuse, and share the contents.
- It has a Space Race assessment which is ideal for certain learning experience such as individual or group contests.
What is not so good?
This product is more popular in the K-12 programmes and there is a reason. The free account supports a 50 students session and the paid premium account supports up to 150 students per session room. It might be good enough for a tutorial but not a large lecture.
What's in it for us?
Monash has chosen MARS and Poll Everywhere, which also has a group quiz function. However, Socrative provides an easier and more interesting approach to do a team contest quiz in your classroom. If your tutorial has less than 50 students, why not give them an individual or team spaceship contest quiz as the students gonna love it:
If you are interested in finding more about Socrative, check out the introduction video below: